Doctor | Author

Barbara Alice Walker



The Biblical story of Abraham says little about the women in his life. His first wife, Sarah laughs at God’s promises, yet bears a son in her old age. His second wife, Hagar, bears his first son. Ado, his goddaughter-in-law, is turned to stone for her disobedience. That’s really all we know.

Perspectives is a collection of short stories is a fictional account of the lives of these women. They each tell a portion of the story of Abraham through the lens of their own life stories.

Each of these women tell their truth, but it may or may not be the truth. Their stories are filled with passion and adventure, deception and joy.

No two people experience life in the same way, and life experiences influence beliefs, feelings, and actions. The experiences of these women color their perceptions and frame their perspectives. Three women, three stories, one truth.

Available in E-book, Paperback, or Hardback.

Available in E-book, Paperback, or Hardback.

Available in Paperback or Hardback in Black and White or Full Color.

About The Author

Dr. Barbara A. Walker has been writing for her own enjoyment for a number of years. Those years produced Perspectives, her first published fictional work. She is also a family physician who has practiced medicine for over 20 years.

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